Monthly Archives: September 2019

National Preparedness Month: Prepare Your Health

2019-09-05T14:40:06-05:00September 5th, 2019|Public/Community Health|

September is National Preparedness Month, when all Americans are encouraged to focus on preparing for emergencies, including making plans to protect their health. There are many reasons to prepare your health for an emergency. They start with your family and friends and extend to your neighbors and community at large. But most Americans don't have supplies [...]

CDC Health Advisory: Severe Pulmonary Disease Associated with Using E-Cigarette Products

2019-09-04T09:34:15-05:00September 4th, 2019|Pharmacists, Public/Community Health, Smoking Cessation|

Distributed via the CDC Health Alert Network August 30, 2019, 0935 AM ET (9:35 AM ET) CDCHAN-00421 Summary The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is providing: 1) background information on the forms of e-cigarette products, 2) information on the multistate outbreak of severe pulmonary disease associated with using e-cigarette products (devices, liquids, refill [...]

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