Monthly Archives: September 2020

2020 Diabetes Update: High Impact Management for Clinicians

2020-09-22T13:30:46-05:00September 22nd, 2020|Diabetes, Pharmacists|

All physicians, pharmacists, physician assistants, nurse practitioners, and other interested healthcare professionals who care for patients with diabetes are invited to virtually attend the fifth annual Diabetes Conference. Virtual for 2020 Learn more practical tools and strategies to effectively manage patients with diabetes and improve treatment outcomes. Regional and national experts will [...]

VaccineFinder and MedFinder Updates for Pharmacies

2020-09-01T10:25:38-05:00September 1st, 2020|Immunizations, Public/Community Health|

VaccineFinder and MedFinder now offer flexible methods for pharmacies to update their vaccine and antiviral drug supply through both automated and manual reporting options. The VaccineFinder website and platform have been upgraded and participating pharmacies can now update supply estimates for routine adult and child vaccines, and any travel vaccines that they carry. Having timely [...]

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