public health

Send a letter re overpriced Naloxone!!!!

2016-09-18T19:14:02-05:00September 18th, 2016|Naloxone|

Dear PPSI followers: Please send your letter, SAMPLE BELOW AND LINK HERE> hmo-insurances-ltr-re-naloxone, to as many of the insurance companies possible-with your name, phone number and email. HMO addresses and emails obtained via HICAP (California based) (insert sample insurance company PO Box xxxx anytown, any-state, correct zip) Dear Medical Director: I am writing to you, as _______ and as _________ regarding [...]

Office of Medical Cannabis Safety-SAVE THE DATE! Pre-Regulatory Meetings.

2016-08-26T03:01:56-05:00August 26th, 2016|Medical Cannabis, Pharmacists|

PPSI would like to testify in Santa Rosa on September 22, from 2-3 PM PPSI would like to testify on determining standards for packaging, labeling, dosing, potency of medical cannabis, produced as medicine, food, botanical and edibles, labeling, dosing, package contents, public health safety warnings, safety standards, cautions and public;  (to mental and physical health [...]

Join PPSI!!!

2016-04-21T03:13:27-05:00April 21st, 2016|Pharmacists|

Welcome to our updated and renovated website. We are excited as we move forward with continued advocacy, so much exciting happening, the world needs serious PRO-action! Our work going forward is vital as we address issues such as Medical Cannabis; Product labeling, dosing, safety warnings, and combating violations of solid consumer dispensing regulations as we [...]

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