take back

Send a letter re overpriced Naloxone!!!!

2016-09-18T19:14:02-05:00September 18th, 2016|Naloxone|

Dear PPSI followers: Please send your letter, SAMPLE BELOW AND LINK HERE> hmo-insurances-ltr-re-naloxone, to as many of the insurance companies possible-with your name, phone number and email. HMO addresses and emails obtained via HICAP (California based) (insert sample insurance company PO Box xxxx anytown, any-state, correct zip) Dear Medical Director: I am writing to you, as _______ and as _________ regarding [...]

Shareholders Challenge Pharmaceutical Industry To Take Back Unused Drugs

2016-04-21T19:49:13-05:00April 21st, 2016|Opioid Epidemic, Pharmacists|

Shareholders Challenge Pharmaceutical Industry To Take Back Unused Drugs Oakland, CA – April 20, 2016 – Citing the lack of free, accessible programs for disposal of consumer prescription drugs in contributing to the U.S. painkiller abuse epidemic, 23 shareholder groups with more than $50 billion in assets under management have asked 10 of the largest [...]

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