PPHI has spearheaded the success in bringing pharmacists into lead roles in many nationwide public health campaigns. Our successes include the creation of the Great American Smoke Out, National Condom Week, Safety Caps on Prescription Vials, and many other national public health campaigns. Our next initiatives will focus on the important issues of Medical Cannabis, Birth-Control, Hepatitis C and the necessary role to be played by Pharmacists.
The role of the Pharmacist is critical as they deliver proper medications, counsel patients on medicines adherence. PPHI is turning its attention to assure that Pharmacists receive proper compensation for the time they spend working with and counseling patients.
We need your help. In the past, a small minority of the 2,000 registered California independent pharmacy owners have been PPHI supporters. Now that PPHI has partnered with the American College of Apothecaries Foundation, we are taking our programs nationwide. New public health programs are being developed and we plan to expand our exposure by attending several national pharmacy meetings. We need your support to fund these PPHI programs.
We look forward to continuing and broadening our efforts under the new PPHI/ACA Foundation organizational structure.
Steering Committee
Paul W. Lofholm, PharmD, FACA, Chair
Steve Pryor, PharmD, FACA, President of the ACA Foundation
Daniel A. Hussar, PhD
Dixie Leikach, RPh, MBA, FACA
RADM (ret) Pamela Schweitzer, PharmD